International Music Institute, Darmstadt (just taking a break).

International Music Institute, Darmstadt (just taking a break).

Roger Heaton - clarinettist and writer on music

Welcome. This site is a modest project where you will find some information about my performance and recordings as a clarinettist specialising in contemporary art music, some more detailed accounts of my research projects and interests, and an archive (in progress) of materials from the last 30 years or so related to my performance and research.


I recorded Mihailo Trandafilovski’s solo piece Sandglass last April and it came out just before Christmas. This is a work he wrote for me a while ago in 2014. You can see the first couple of pages on the United Music Publisher website, click on the image. It is issued on the Metier label; there’s a nice review from Fanfare on Metier’s website here.